Life After Onlyfans: What Options Do Onlyfans Content Creators Have Now?

Dannii Divine • Aug 21, 2021

Onlyfans New Acceptable Use Policy Changes Everything: What Options Do Onlyfans Creators Have Now?

As a content creator myself I want to start off by telling you I know exactly how you are feeling right now with the news of the new 'acceptable use policy' Onlyfans have just dropped on us!

I have already posted my interpretations of these new policies and what they mean for us. If you are unsure of where we stand as content creators and sexually explicit content, what rules will be enforced and when then you can read the post HERE. (The page will open in a separate window so you can read it after or come back once you have read it).

The purpose of this post is to hopefully shine some light on this dark day and offer a helping hand to those of you that are feeling left out in the dark.

I have some ideas that I think will help and if you have a few spare minutes I'd like to invite you to hear them and see whether they may be of benefit to you too.

Topics I will cover in this post are:

  • Using the new acceptable use policy to our advantage.
  • Changing platforms.
  • What other platforms are there - pro's & con's.
  • What help I can offer you.
  • How we can all help each other to benefit us all.
  • Joining my private group for networking and joint promotion.

I spoke briefly in my last blog about planning for the journey ahead. I feel it is really important to take some time to decide what route forward is the best for you and how you plan to make it work.

Should you stay on Onlyfans?
Should you move to another platform?

Should you do both?
Should you continue posting sexually explicit content on Onlyfans?

What other platforms are good alternatives to Onlyfans?

How will you get your fans to join you from Onlyfans on your new platform of choice?

Plus a hundred more questions on top of these!

So many daunting questions for us all to ask ourselves and we need to answer them before we make any decisions.
Whatever choices we make now will have an impact on our futures in this industry so it's very important we don't rush into them.

Of course the biggest problem we have is knowing what the answers are to those questions and whether the answers we have are the best for us as individuals. For most of our uncertainties there are multiple answers, each has merit in its own right but there isn't going to be one answer that fits us all.

I will do my best to offer as much help and advice as I can but whatever course of action you decide to take next I ask that you research your decision fully before committing to it.

Right, lets get into our options and ideas.

Using The Acceptable Use Policy To Our Advantage

Can we do anything to use Onlyfans new acceptable use policy to give us an advantage?

I don't know about an advantage but we can certainly do some things now to take advantage of the situation.

What I mean by this is that we have been given some warning, not a lot but it is warning and if we act fast it can help us get through the next 3 months or so before the new policy comes fully into force.
It is imperative we act fast as Onlyfans have made it clear that the dates they have given us are subject to change if Onlyfans decide they want to.

There are 2 key dates we have to work with so far and 2 key rules that we must follow in relation to those dates. What we do now will decide whether or not we can continue to run our Onlyfans as we have been or not.

If you follow my advice now and until the 1st October you can ensure you have set yourself up to post new sexually explicit content until the 1st December!

How can we do this without breaking the new policy? Well I am not 100% certain we will get away with this, as there is a bit of a grey area, but 'Onlyfans Support' have failed to confirm one way or the other whether I am correct in my assumption so it is what I plan to do.

It's all in the detail. Within the new policy changes it has been made clear that we can continue to upload and post new sexually explicit content until the 1st October and we can continue to have sexually explicit content on our profiles until the 1st December.

This is where the grey area lies. It states that we won't be able to 'POST' any 'NEW' sexually explicit content from the 1st October.
But it doesn't say that content previously uploaded to Onlyfans before October 1st cannot be posted. It also doesn't mention anything about sending it in messages.

By my reckoning, as long as we have the content uploaded to our account before October 1st, it cannot be classed as 'NEW' content as it has been there for a while.

So what we need to do is work bloody hard in creating as much content as we possibly can for the next month or so, ideally enough content to keep us going until the 1st December.

Once we have that content made we need to make sure it is uploaded to Onlyfans BEFORE the 1st October. As long as we have this content in our accounts by then we are free to use it until 1st December according to Onlyfans new acceptable use policy and the email they sent us all.

What we don't want to do is post it all on our feeds immediately so to get around this we need to get it into our vault for use over the next few months.

There are a few easy ways to do it.

1. You can upload your new content as a post but 'save' it for later. Once the images and or videos have uploaded and you save it they will then appear in your vault. Check they are in there and then you can go back and delete the saved post.
Your new content will then be stored in your vault for later use.

2. If you have 2 accounts you can send your new content in a message to your second account. Again this will then save it in your vault for you to use at a later date.

3. You upload your content and post straight away, as soon as it is posted you delete the post. The content will still be in your vault.

There is a slight risk that 1 or 2 of your fans may view this content before you have chance to remove it BUT it is only a slight risk and it would be unlikely they would get to see much of it and certainly not for any length of time if you delete it asap.

This, however, could be your safest option to ensure you are on the right side of the grey line I spoke of as it would have actually been posted to your page so Onlyfans cannot say that you are posting '
NEW' content if it has been posted before. Having been posted it is by definition existing or old content. You would be re-posting old content, not posting new!

If you do this I would make new folders for your content so you don't mix them up with old content in your vault. To do this click on each piece of new content to highlight it, then click the 'folder' looking tab at the top of your screen to add it to a category and finally at the bottom you will have an option 'create new category'. From there you simply add the name for the folder.

I would recommend you name them and add content for each week beginning the 1st October up until 1st December so you can easily find the content you have saved to post or send out each week until we have to delete it all.

By doing this we are covering all bases. We will have plenty of content to keep our fans on Onlyfans happy for the next 3 months or so and will hopefully enable us to continue to earn some money while we look for, sign up to and start to grow our pages on other platforms.

As a added bonus this also means we will have plenty of content to upload and use on whichever platform/s we decide to move on to. When we start on a new platform it is a good idea to post a decent amount of content as soon as you join. This will give fans the impression you have been on the site a while and also that there is plenty of content for them to subscribe to see.

I always recommended a minimum of 30 posts on Onlyfans to new starters as this represents a post a day for a whole month. If you only have 1 or 2 posts it will be hard to get fans to subscribe to your page. I recommend the same thing when starting on any other platform.

This leads us to the next topic -

Changing Platforms & What Other Platforms Are There - Pro's & Con's

Unless you are a content creator that only posts lewds or soft nudes you are going to need to find another platform to work from if you wish to continue in this industry.

Whilst I do think we will still be able to make some money on Onlyfans after the new rules come into force it is going to be hard work and we will constantly be fighting against these new policies. Fans will constantly be asking for more explicit content and our choice will be to either break the rules and risk getting banned or don't break them and risk losing the fans.
Neither of those options sound very appealing to me!

My personal view is that we will be far better off working from a platform that allows us to post the content we are accustomed to posting and what the fans have been following us for.

It sounds scary to think of starting again but it won't be as bad as you may think.

You already have content to post as you can re-use the content you had posted on Onlyfans, so for the first few weeks or months (depending how long you have been using Onlyfans and how much content you have amassed) so you will have more time to focus on growing your page quickly and getting off to a good start.

You already have a good understanding of how these type of websites work and how the back office operates.

You will hopefully still be making money from Onlyfans in the first few months while we are still allowed to post our explicit content so won't feel as pressured to start earning immediately.

There are several other platforms that are ran in a much better way than Onlyfans, have more features to earn money from and have a better support system.

If you join me in moving to my platform of choice AdmireMe.VIP (totally optional) you will be added to my core group of creators for networking and joint promotions to help us all grow rapidly.

With the inevitable migration of fans from Onlyfans to the many other platforms they will grow in size and we should all be able to build our pages just as we did on Onlyfans.

Because Onlyfans was so big most of the other platform are relatively small in comparison but this doesn't mean you can't make as much money. In fact it may actually benefit us all because being smaller there is less competition between creators. There are over 2 million content creators registered on Onlyfans. That's a lot of competition.

On the smaller platforms there will be far fewer creators registered initially but there will still be the same demand from fans to find the content they were getting on Onlyfans but no longer can. This should lead to an influx of fans searching us out and with the joint promotion we can all help to bring lots of them to our pages.

There are probably a lot more positives that I could list but off the top of my head and the need to get this information out quickly I think that is enough for now.

I have mentioned one of the other platforms that I have used for a while now above,
AdmireMe.VIP and I find this a great platform to work from.

Here are a few positive features for them.

  • It is ran by a content creator (Chelsea Ferguson).
  • It is ran in such a way as to benefit all creators and not just the top and most popular creators.
  • They have the same features as Onlyfans and more.
  • Payouts are reliable.
  • Support is brilliant.
  • You have a 'Premium Shop' to make selling PPV easier.
  • A easy to navigate back office.
  • On site promotion.
  • Twitter promotion page.

Because I have never liked the idea of having all of my eggs in 1 basket I also work from another platform Frisk.Chat . Frisk is relatively new but has grown quite well and is also ran by a active content creator (Sascha McGee).

This would be my second choice of platform when starting from scratch on the basis I feel the way the search results work benefit the creators with the most followers first and the creators with the fewest followers are at the bottom of the results.

This makes it difficult, when new to the site, as you have to rely solely on your own promotion to draw fans to your page.

At least with AdmireMe they have random search results and you can join the 'A List', that is featured on the homepage, once you have 50 posts uploaded to your page and post regularly.

It is my plan to research some of the others that you have no doubt seen being advertised everywhere at the moment as I like to keep my options open and my risks spread out. When I have more information on other platforms I will post another blog post to offer some information on them.

When it comes to changing platforms the biggest problem you will face is getting your current fans on Onlyfans to follow you to your new platform of choice.

As it is against Onlyfans terms we aren't allowed to mention other platforms or services. This makes it very difficult to get your message across to fans that you will be moving and, once the new rules take effect, will be posting your sexually explicit content on another website.

So, how can we get around this?

Well the first thing I advise against is blatantly posting your new links to other platforms on your posts, in your bio or sent in messages. This will likely result in you getting banned on Onlyfans.

Now you may think "well so what, I am leaving anyway", but that will only harm you.

You will lose the opportunity to take your fans with you to your new platform.
You will not be able to use Onlyfans to gain more fans in the future.

You will lose any money held in your account.

I have some ideas that we can use to take advantage of Onlyfans AFTER the new policy kicks in so it will pay to keep within the rules in order to be able to use these ideas.

I will make another post later on when I have compiled my ideas to pass on to anyone that is interested but to give you an idea think along the lines of what many creators have been doing on TikTok to get fans without posting their link (you get banned fast on there if you post your link or reference Onlyfans in any way).
If we think outside the box we will be able to find ways of getting the message across to fans on Onlyfans that we are on another platform and how to find us.

I currently use a Beacons Link Tree in my bio. We have a area in our bio where we can post a website URL (link) and this is where I post mine and have done for a long time. It is my understanding that we are allowed to use link trees without penalty but please check to satisfy yourself this is the case.
If you want to make your own Beacons Link Tree please use the link above as you will get $20 credit to use to advertise your link tree. You don't have to pay anything to Beacons but there are options to market it which you may find useful.

I have obtained email addresses from fans in the past and have also posted my Snapchat on my page. I am unsure whether I am breaching the terms doing this but I suspect Onlyfans could penalise me if they wanted to. Again, use your own due diligence before trying this!

Just from those few ideas above you can see there are ways of spreading the word about your move and where to find you without making it so obvious that you make it easy for Onlyfans to ban you.

Before this latest set back on Onlyfans it was really difficult to get fans to switch platforms, mainly because they tend to follow more than one creator and don't want to be jumping between different platforms.

It should be a lot easier now as most creators will be moving platforms and if fans want to see sexually explicit content they are going to have to move too.

If you have a paid account on Onlyfans and want to get a paying subscriber to move to your new platform it may pay to find a way of giving them a free trial to your new page for a month. This will encourage them to follow you and hopefully then stick on that platform and subscribed to you.

If you use AdmireMe as your new platform of choice you have a 'FREE' teaser wall and a 'PREMIUM' wall all in the same profile. This makes it easier to get fans to follow you before they commit to paying to subscribe and will make getting fans to move with you a lot easier too.

On top of this, you will get other fans that already use AdmireMe finding and following you too and as you can have a 'PREMIUM SHOP' to sell PPV to anyone that follows you you will find you will be making money from fans even if they don't pay to subscribe to your premium wall!

When it comes to moving all of your content to AdmireMe, they make that easy to. You can send them all of your content from a Dropbox and they will upload it all to your account for you saving you the time and hassle of doing it yourself.

There are so many features and positive benefits of using AdmireMe I think it will be easier for you to check the FAQ's on the AdmireMe itself, just follow this
LINK and click on FAQ's at the bottom of the page. There is a list with all the information you will need to decide if it's the platform to you, take particular note of the section listing all of the advantages of using AdmireMe.

It has been a long 24 hours and I have been writing for most of them so I am going to finish up here for now and continue tomorrow as I still have lots of you waiting on my help on Onlyfans, Telegram, Facebook and AdmireMe.

I hope this is of help and you check back often for new updates and ideas.

Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions and I will answer them as soon as possible.
Alternatively you can join me and lots of other creators on Telegram to discuss the current situation and ask questions. Here are the links for the groups you can join:




*Disclaimer: The views posted in this blog are for informational purposes only and are our opinions only. They should not be taken as legal advice or legally binding in any way. Whilst we do our utmost to post the correct facts and information it is up to every individual to research and fact check any statements made within this website. We do not guarantee any results, income or action as a result of using the information we provide.

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